Camper General Information
The following are eligibility requirements for attending camp:
Males with a diagnosis of Hemophilia A or Hemophilia B, severity of less than or equal to 20 % or Type 3 von Willebrand disease
Rare bleeding disorders who administer intravenous medications at home
Campers ages 7-14 (turning 7 by the first day of camp) –admission based on the order their application is received.
Leadership ages 15-17 (turning 15 by the first day of camp): admission determined by a selection process based on their leadership packet submission.
Camper/Leadership must be followed at one of the participating Hemophilia Treatment Programs (HTP)
Children not followed by a HTP are not eligible
El Paso patients who are not attending the El Paso camp will be invited
Children cannot attend both camps due to limited resources/space
El Paso patients are subject to the same eligibility rules
No eligible camper shall be denied because of inability to pay
Participating Hemophilia Programs:
Children’s Blood and Cancer Center of Central Texas, Austin TX
Children’s Medical Center Bleeding Disorders and Thrombosis Program, Dallas TX
Fort Worth Bleeding Disorders Program, Fort Worth TX
Gulf States Hemophilia and Thrombophilia Center, Houston TX
Texas Children’s Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center, Houston TX
South Texas Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center, San Antonio TX
To become a participating hemophilia program the following is required:
Allow staff to participate in all aspects of the planning of camp.
Allow staff to attend camp as part of their work duties and not require that they take vacation to do so.
Information about the registration process is made available to eligible individuals in early to mid April by your HTP. The deadline for submitting the application will be May 31. If you have not received registration information and are eligible to attend, please contact your HTP. All participating HTPs are listed on the Resources & Links page.